PDF Printable Download Tool

The standard procedure used to create a Printable Download of your menus, coupons, instructions, and other materials you would like to allow your customers to download, is to create a document and "link" it to a hyperlink.

The problem is, you have to update that document, and then have your web person re-link the new documents all the time. If you need to change a price on your website, it would involve many steps.

We created a "better way". Our PDF Document Creator is directly linked to the text you enter on your website. When you make a change on your website, the new information is available instantly the next time someone downloads the PDF file. It is called "Dynamic Update Control".


While you can't actually see it work by looking at these 2 static images, you can test it yourself in the demo site we will gladly create for you. This could be one of the most important tools in your advertising arsenal. People hate downloading old, outdated prices and other information.