Google Map Link

Every site we create can have a Google Map included, at no additional cost.
We are not your average web design company.
We don't charge each client everytime we include a feature that
we can create "programatically".
Instead of charging each client for hours of individual programming to
add their address information to the Google Map app,
we invested in creating the programming that allows us to
add a Google Map to your website in minutes.


When we are asked to add a new tool to a website for a client, we evaluate its usefullness to other clients. If we feel others would benifit from that new feature, we don't simply add it to one site.
We invest the time and money required to allow us to offer that feature to everyone,
either at no additional cost, or at least, at a very low cost.

Your monthly fees cover our development costs,
as well as our costs to maintian everyones sites for that small fee.