Personalized Demonstration Websites...Free of Charge

We know a "picture is worth a thousand words", and providing you with a real working website that you can modify yourself
.....has a lot of value.

Let's get started. We need to know a few things before we can begin designing your website.

1.Are you creating an entirely new website, from scratch? New Site Design Form

2. Do you have a website on the web now, and you want to consider using our
Always Current Websites System? Existing Site Conversion Design Form

Please read the following before filling out the Design Forms.

Creating a new Website

What we do for you:

Page Design and Layout
We will do all the page design and layout work for you.
We will create the individual pages and link them correctly for you.
We will select the best page layouts that work with your information.

If you were trying to create your own website, you might use one of those online systems that provide fixed "template" layouts. You would have to figure out how to fit whatever amount of text you have into the templates openings. You would also be limited to the locations on the pages of where the text and image boxes are located.

You still need to supply us with the text and images you would like to use on your site, but, we fit everything "nicely" into each page for you.

Page Linking
Also referred to as the "Site Navigation".

We link all the pages together in an orderly manor. Sometimes pages should be linked as sub-pages of main pages. We work with you and create the most direct page "flow". People like to click as few links as possible to get to the information they are looking for.

Email, Social Media, and other Hyperlinks
This is an area of our system you may wish to maintian yourself, at some later date. For now, we will set up all the your links for you.

You will need to provide the links to your Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin and any other locations you want to display on your site. We will set up all the links for you.

Colors, Logo, Graphics
We feel it is important for you to understand how a website is developed. There are 3 entirely different parts, and then subparts. Understanding these things will help you design a better site, and save you much wasted time, and money. Most "wesite developers" lump all of these components togehter and charge you their highest hourly rate, for even the simplist work that you may need done. We don't build websites that way.

Part A- Design
Design usually refers to the "look" of the site, mainly the design elements of the main page, the "index" page of your website. You may choose to have a very simple design, no graphics, using solid colors and maybe some border lines. You header/logo might simply be solid color with text on it. We actually provide this kind of design at no charge to you.

On the other end of the scale is the Custom Designed layout with custom graphics and images. This kind of custom design work should be created by experienced Graphic Artists. In many cases, people who have learned the programming side of website development, also offer to design their clients websites and in the end, fall short of what the client needed.

We have professional Website Designers who work with us. They are independent professionals, and they are brought in to work on sites when we need them. They are not programmers, or "office staff". They do what they do best, they design.

We have special agreements with them and they will design beautiful custom website layouts for our clients for $199-$299. Not "thousands".

Part B- Page Layouts
All custom, not "templated" pages in website start with basic pre-designed layouts that are modified as required for each client's needs. Also, most pages in a website are the same basic layout. Viewers don't like to see all different page layouts when browsing a site. IT confuses them.

Think of your pages as "categries". If you sell products, each product page should look the same way. Much like a menu or a pricelist with many pages. When a viewer goes form page to page, they want to know that on each page the images and text will be in the same place and they don't have to search each page for the information.

With that said, our "system" allows us to add pages to your site instantly. We can copy any exisiting custom page we created for you, and once it is in your site, you can add new text and new images.

We don't charge for additional pages in your website. The common way other web designers work is to charge you $75-$150 per new page in your website. We provide you with unlimited pages in your website.

We will add them for you at any time.

Part C- Programming
Programming can have a variety of descriptions. Adding a simple email address, or a hyperlink to antoher website, or another page in a website can be considered "programming. Adding these links is actually a simple process if you have had a website designed for you, that has a "text editor".

We include a text edtitor in our website systems. You can learn how to add links yourself. We will tech you how to do it. BUT, we also know that you will not need to add these links very often and when you do it 6 months later, you may forget how you did it.

No problem, we will do it for you, at no additional cost to you.

We have features and tools in our system that we describe as "things you can learn to do, but we will do them for you".

Of course, there is other programming that you may need provided, and of course, we provide them for you, free of charge.


What you need to do:
You need to provide the "content". You need to provide the text and images you would like to use on your website.

You don't have to think it all up from scratch.

An easy way to start, is to search the web for similar businesses as yours, in another part of the country. Look at what that business has written about themselves and their products and services. Use it as a base, and modify it for your individual "message".

You can upload the images directly to the Demo Site we will have created for you. You can also upload your content/text to your Demo Site. You can even begin to set your Start & end Dates for your content. Before your new website is ready to go "live" on the web, you will have mastered the unique tools we have created in our Always Current Websites.

Creating a new Website converted from your existing website.
(we cannot copy a website that is not owned by you)

We do all the above, but we need a few more details.

1. Tell us if you want a total re-design, or do you want us to copy your existing design as it is.

2. Do you want us to only use your Header/Logo, and site colors from your existing website.

3. Tell us the features of our system that most interest you in having included in your new site we develop for you.

4. Do you want us to copy your text and images over to your new site, or would you like to save money and do that yourself. It costs about $100-$200 depending on the amount of content.